Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Permanent Hair Loss Solutions?

I was stupid and shaved my whole stomach and now the hair is thick and I hate how it looks. I won't even change in locker rooms I am so ashamed.

I was looking at ways to have permanent hair loss and I came across 'Hair No More' and 'Revitol Hair Removal Cream'. I was wondering if anyone knew if they worked or if any other solutions. I am 15 and I can't afford laser hair removal, so that's not an option.

Please help me, this is really damaging my self esteem.Permanent Hair Loss Solutions?
When you shave your hair does not grow back in greater quantity or thicker. Why can't you just let it be? Everyone has some hair on their abdomen. I assume that's where you mean, since the stomach is a good bit higher. Or you can just keep shaving it. Or bleach it, or put Nair or something like that on it. Unless you are posing for photos or something, I would leave my abdominal hair alone. I have seen so many girls with dark hair on their mid area, and I didn't see anything wrong with it. I'm sure you don't look as awful as you think, and I bet most people don't even notice it.

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