Tuesday, January 3, 2012

What are the possible causes for rapid hair loss in women?

AgeWhat are the possible causes for rapid hair loss in women?
An excess of testosterone, underactive thyroid....have a blood test to check your hormones.What are the possible causes for rapid hair loss in women?
Recent use of antibiotics and cause hair to fall out. (Especially Zithromax, Erythromycins but many others can cause it.) Since antibiotics interfere with plant cell production, some processes are also found in animal cells and interfere with their ability to grow.

Being severly overweight or quickly gaining weight can also cause male pattern baldness in women and rapid hair loss.

If large patches of hair have suddenly fallen out, suspect a possible fungal infection of the scalp. A dermatologist can confirm that by a scraping and examine under the microscope in a Sodium Hydroxide solution. Depending on the causitive fungus, a shampoo or cream or tablets or combination thereof can be used to kill it.... as well as a bit of laundry to prevent re-infection.

These are a few of the posibilities, not an exhaustive list... just some things to investigate.
stress and no conditioners
hair loss is heriditary. It is recessive in female and dominant in male. The loss is not as fast as in male. Another is both emotional and physical stress such as serious illness or recovery from surgery have been associated with hair loss. It is possible that stress induces hormomal changes that are responsible for hair loss, since hair loss is a known consequence of other hormonal changes due to pregnancy, thryoid disturbance, or evern from taking oral contraceptives. Nervous habits, such as scalp rubbing or hair twisting or pulling may also be responsible for hair loss. These habits may respnose to psychological stress in some people and may be another cause of stress-related hair loss.
stress-worry- and some medications will cause hair loss
Have you been put on any new medications recently? Are you anemic or having thyroid problems? If you are losing your hair at a fast rate and your hair is noticeably thinner, you really need to go see the doctor, your metabolism is out of whack.
Not many people think that medications such as blood pressure meds can and will make you lose hair. Talk to a doctor about your concerns and always ask for side effects including hair loss.

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