Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Can you come up w/ a GREAT PRODUCT NAME for hair loss pills that WORK?

Yup, just like the title says, I am doing a research paper for my class on advertising...etc...anyway, i need to come up w/ about 25 great names for a ';fake company'; selling a hair loss product (pills) that work this time...so can you think of any FUNNY, EXCITING, OUT OF THE ORDINARY, WITTY type of names for this new ';fake'; product...sorry folks, its just for a school paper, but comeon all you advertising folks...help me out. Can you come up w/ a GREAT PRODUCT NAME for hair loss pills that WORK?
1. Caveman's Choice (cavemen were hairy, right?)

2. Hairy Potter's Hair Loss Pills (because it's magic)

3. Hairy-O's (you can make the packaging look like a Cheerio's box, and the pills can be honey nut flavored)Can you come up w/ a GREAT PRODUCT NAME for hair loss pills that WORK?
Hair-to-Stay (or it's gone tomorrow)

Follic Tollic


here hair.

here comes the hair

hairsome (like handsome, so that men will have a full head of handsome hair!)
Biotin pills.

i use them and they are great!
Bald Be Gone

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