Tuesday, February 14, 2012

What is excessive abnormal hair loss that would need a call to the doctor?

If it is more than 100 strands a day. It is normal to shed some hair each day as part of a cycle of growing new hairs and loosing some. Badly damaged hair breaks at the scalp. Check out http://usefulinfo-hairloss.blogspot.com/ for more info.What is excessive abnormal hair loss that would need a call to the doctor?
Anything that is coming out in clumps. Anything causing noticeable thinning of the hair. If you're seeing clumps of it on your clothes, on your pillow when you wake up, going down the shower drain, etc.

It could be something totally treatable like a thyroid problem, nutritional deficiency, or hormones, so best if you're concerned to see a doc and get some tests done.

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