Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Wht food products are rich in nutrients that are good for hair and may help prevent hair loss?

Eggs are high in proteins. They might not nessecerly help prevent hair loss but protein is essential for hair health.

Also start taking a lot of Vitamin A or prenatal vitamins. Both help aid healthy skin hair and nails.Wht food products are rich in nutrients that are good for hair and may help prevent hair loss?
Anything high in proteins ands vitamins A, K, C..

I take a biotin supplement with all my meals, my hair and nails have never been healthier or stronger.Wht food products are rich in nutrients that are good for hair and may help prevent hair loss?
olive oil, honey, and avocado.

you can mix them together for a great conditioning hair mask! mix a tablespoon of each in a bowl and apply.

these ingredients are all great for building healthy hair.

it'll preven hairloss because with conditioned hair, you won't need to pull brushes/combs through it and tear out hair. it'll make the hair smooth and healthy, which is exactly what you want.
I am not really sure...But you should try going to a salon of some sort. They might know what you would need. Ask them the same question you are asking them. Because if you don't they would just give you shampoo or something...

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