Thursday, February 2, 2012

Does hair length affect hair shedding and hair loss?

for example, do you lose more hair when you have longer hair as oppose to a buzzcut or do you shed the same amount of hair regardless of hair length?

thanxDoes hair length affect hair shedding and hair loss?
yes! hair length affect hair shedding! especially to men!!

but anyway as we know hair loss can be caused by many different reasons! There are many causes of loss of hair such as stress, poor nutrition ,medications, thyroid dysfunctions, illness, fungal infections ,hormonal problems, to mention a few.

year ago I suffered very much from dandruff and hair loss too and I started trying everything you can imagine to stop my hair loss.

the things that really worked for me was:

1) Vitamin A - an anti-oxidant which promotes healthy production of sebum in the scalp;

2) Vitamin E stimulates circulation. Good blood circulation in the scalp is important in keeping hair follicles productive. The 'B' vitamins contribute to melanin, which gives hair its healthy color and also stimulates blood circulation;

3) massage is also beneficial. Massage stimulates circulation. As already noted, good circulation in the scalp keeps hair follicles active. Experts suggest a few minutes of daily head massage by hand. Circulation through massage may be improved by using a few drops of lavender or bay essential oil in an almond or sesame oil base with massage;

4) Try rubbing your scalp with garlic juice, Onion Juice or Ginger Juice(you can either of one out of three, Do not mix any of two or three);

5) also he used herbal treatment - TrichoZed and Provilluss (do not use Rogaine - it will not work!)

Those are a good products that helps prevent hair loss and contains Biotin and the clinically tested ingredients approved by the FDA to help re-grow your hair.! I think it is very important!

It worked and still works for me!

I do not know if any pharmacies carry TrichoZed but I do know that you should purchase it directly from the manufacturer and read more about the product here

(TrichoZed鈩?will produce noticeable hair growth in 30 to 45 days. A consistent use of TrichoZed鈩?ensures permanent results within 6 months. Further use shall maintain optimal health of your hair.)

and here

(Provillus鈩?will produce noticeable hair growth in 40. A consistent use of TrichoZed鈩?ensures permanent results within ~5 months.)

It enhances hair growth by blocking DHT (Dihydrotestostrone) - a major cause of hair loss!

Also Informative video about Provillus -

good luck!

not only my own personal experience + working as a family physician

http://www.provilluss.infoDoes hair length affect hair shedding and hair loss?
Normal hair shedding is approximately 100-125 hairs per day. A lower number of hairs lost would apply to those whose hair is already thin. Normally, as the hair goes through these three phases, the follicle tends to return to the same length and width during the anagen phase, and as a result, tends to produce the same length and width hair shaft. Normal hair shedding should not be of concern or alarm, as we typically loose 50 to 100 hairs per day.

However, if you notice heavier hair loss or worst if you notice bald spots, it's best to consult your dermatologist about possible hair loss treatment.

All hair follicles have the ability and potential to change size and shape. Hair follicles induced with the bulb too close to the epidermal/dermal junction are susceptible to being pulled out when placed under a mechanical stress such as combing or brushing.

Reproducibly obtaining the correct angle of hair shaft growth has also not been possible. Hair follicles also contain stem cells, and some researchers predict research on these follicle stem cells may lead to successes in treating baldness through hair multiplication within three or four years. This hair loss treatment is expected to initially work through taking stem cells from existing follicles, multiplying them in cultures, and implanting the new follicles into the scalp.

Hair follicles thrive on good blood circulation in the scalp. Simply massage any balding areas for 15 minutes daily. Hair transplant surgery is a relatively minor and noninvasive surgical procedure. It is performed on an outpatient basis. Hair loss begins at the forehead and crown and is slowly progressive. Male pattern baldness hair loss treatment may be cosmetically disguised by hair-follicle transplants.


Androgenetic Alopecia or ';male pattern hair loss'; is implicated in 95% of hair loss cases. The key is a hormonal byproduct called DHT (dihydrotestostrone). Androgenetic alopecia requires three conditions for its occurrence - the genes for hair loss, male hormones in adequate quantities, and time (this sounds better than age). Androgentic Alopecia often runs in families and affects some people more than others. It is characterized by a receding hair line and baldness on the top of head.

Hormonal Hair Loss

Hair loss caused by hormonal imbalance has a distinct pattern. The hair thins at the base of the tail and inside the legs first, and then gradually is lost over most of the body, often sparing the tip of the tail and the head. Hair loss poses a real emotional problem for men.

They can experience real anxiety and stress over excessive hair loss. Hair loss was mainly in the forehead and temple area. Similarly, the hair parting get's wider, and the forehead looks higher, and they tend to see lopsided 'triangles' of scalp showing at the temples.

DHT hormone (deriver from testosterone) is in charge of blocking the hair production of certain areas (especially on the head). Although DHT is produced with testosterone, it is controlled by another hormone, estrogen. DHT is a by-product of the male hormone testosterone, which is responsible for masculine characteristics.

When testosterone gets converted to DHT, the result is hair loss. DHT is responsible for the division of cells in the prostate, and is normally expelled by the prostate. However, when the prostate fails to expel the DHT, it builds up and causes enlargement.

Testosterone is a hormone that is naturally produced in the body by both men and women. Your body will convert testosterone and the sebum/dirt mixture into a substance called DHT. Testosterone converts to DHT with the aid of the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase.

While the entire genetic process of MPB is not completely understood, scientists do know that DHT shrinks hair follicles, and that when DHT is suppressed, hair follicles continue to thrive. Testosterone is an androgen. The higher the level of androgen hormones a person has, the more hair loss then occurs.

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