Thursday, February 2, 2012

Hair loss dilemna for swimmers - any solutions?


i always had thin hair but now that i m swimming at aleast 4/5 times a week my hair just got very very thin, damaged and i lose large amount of it.... i am using the ultra swim shampoo/conditionner + other professional products for damaged hair

would anyone have any recommendation on pills i can take to prevent hair loss? thank you

M.Hair loss dilemna for swimmers - any solutions?
use expensive hair stuff, paul mitchell, ';silky'; and thick hair shampoo! (:Hair loss dilemna for swimmers - any solutions?
Ask your doctor - i know that there are treatments out there.
Prenatal vitamins will help.

Another thing, wet your hair and apply a lot of conditioner before putting on your swim cap. That will prevent the chlorine from ruining your hair.
tie your hair up and wear a swim cap..

go to your hair stylist
wear a swim cap!
ebay have good ones, and they are quality ones, they make your hair regrow.

but eat lots of fruit and beg and get some vitamin c tablets and take lots of them- they will help lots

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