Thursday, February 2, 2012

Hair loss recovery..Any solutions?

I started to loose alot of my hair at the age of 22. My remaining hair is very thin and i dont have a good scalp coverage especially when i wet my hair or use any gel. I have seen many adverts in papers and on the net about hair recovery..such as hair implant,lotions,etc. DO these methods really work? Has anyone here ever had hair implants and does it really work..If so can you advise me where i can have mine done..thanxHair loss recovery..Any solutions?
I don't know how old you are so if you're young it might not be so easy but I would say make the most of what you've got....shave it and have a head like me....a billiard ball.Hair loss recovery..Any solutions?
My father had hair implants and to be totally honest with you, he still looked pretty bald. It was a painful process for a little bit more hair and it didn't make him look any better. Don't put yourself through that. Shave your head and embrace your look. It's such a charming look for a man these days. If you don't think you can, go for the hair transplantation which is hair from your own scalp. As painful as it is, it works better than those lotions you're talking about. Minoxidil is pretty good and promotes a little hair regrowth, but like I said before: my own father had hair implants and used most lotions and products available in the market. He always still looked bald. I am sorry if this answer disappoints you in any way.
Use Regaine - - however, this requires constant use, %26amp; is expensive (拢25-拢30 per bottle - NHS won't pay). Believe it or not, it's cheaper to buy a wig - one-off payment %26amp; it's for life - all you have to do is wash it in shampoo once a month.
There is no cure for baldness. If there was, do you think there would be so many people walking around with chrome domes? Any lotion is just snake oil. Live with it.
Have you seen pics of hair plugs? gross man

shave your head and live with it

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